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19 Boulevard Bouillon? What a funny name.

Isn't it an address?




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Yes, and this is the address of our imaginary art studio.


The one which moves with the wind, the encounters, or our desires. Transportable across borders, cultures and categories. Day and night, it opens its doors to us in the blink of an eye.


How lucky we are to have found it !


We summoned our hearts, gathered our talents, and it was on a boulevard that it unfolded. So many streets and avenues have been explored already ! But, looking forward, an infinity still awaits us !


No less than a boulevard was needed to receive this cultural broth, this broth of ideas and these poetic itches that constitutes us.


It is therefore at 19 boulevard Bouillon, in our imaginary art studio that we simmer every day,

for hours and hours, our creative madness so that only delicious artistic dishes come out to share with all the curious.

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Jossia Clément // Artiste visuelle

Directrice artistique et créatrice au sein du 19 boulevard Bouillon.


ilia Osokin // Musicien compositeur

Directeur artistique et créateur au sein du 19 boulevard Bouillon.


Amélie Hug // Chargée de communication

bouillonne pour la diffusion, la communication et la production du 19 boulevard Bouillon.


Gala Vanson  // Artiste et autrice

 Présidente de l'association loi 1901 du 19 boulevard Bouillon.


Chantal Tomasini // Professeure de vente et comptabilité

Trésorière de l'association loi 1901 du 19 boulevard Bouillon.


     19 boulevard Bouillon is a creative production atelier, deploying its universe through different media: sound, visual or performative creations. The atelier opened in Nice in symbiosis with the buds of spring 2020. Ilia Osokin, musician-composer, and Jossia Clément, multidisciplinary artist, are the initiators.

     Since its creation, the atelier works with numerous partners in Germany and France, including the Chemins de Fer de Provence (commission of a sound installation for travelers), the Ballets de Monte-Carlo and the National Museums of the 20th century of the Alpes-Maritimes, for which was created in November 2020, on the occasion of the European Night of Museums, the art film - “Écoute , Respire // BLEU”, shot behind closed doors at the Marc Chagall National Museum in Nice.

      For the team of 19 boulevard Bouillon, the 2021-2022 creative season will take place between Berlin and Marseille. It is celebrated by the national release of their binaural sound fiction - "Marguerite B." on all podcast streaming platforms on September 19, 2021. A project created with Gaïdig Lemarié and supported by the City of Nice.


L'équipe du bouillon :


Gaïdig Lemarié // Head of the Cultural Partnerships, Audience Development in Musée Marc Chagall

has worked on the radio drama Marguerite B. 


Matthieu Chayrigues  //  dancer

had worked on the art film  Écoute, Respire // BLEU 


Elodie Tampon-Lajarriette  //  actor

had worked on the show Le son du papillon as well as on  Écoute, Respire // BLEU 


Thierry Vincent // actor - director - visual artist 

had worked on Le son du papillon as well as on  Écoute, Respire // BLEU 


Amaro Sampedro Lopez // musicien

had worked on // Visions 


Guillaume Zanier // musicien and video director

had worked on // Visions and on Écoute, Respire // BLEU 


Julie Milone // étudiante en ingénierie culturelle

had worked on Marguerite B. 


Arthur Arsenne // composer and mastering

had worked on // Visions, and  Marguerite B.  and also on  Écoute, Respire // BLEU 


Patrick Massabo // photographer

had worked on // Visions, and  Écoute, Respire // BLEU 


Jimmy Boury // light designer

had worked on  1984


Xavier Coste // author and illustrator

had worked on 1984

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